Monday, April 16, 2007

Spring Cleaning

It's been a busy time at New Hope as we move further into the realm of video. Thanks for your efforts to keep things running during this crazy time. In no particular order here are some stuff that has happened in the last 6 weeks.
Jason made a suggestion that we setup the recording facing the front of the gym, last week we tried it out and are going to stick with it. This puts everyone in a row facing the front. I think it improves communication, but keep in mind if we talk too much it is easily overheard in the back rows of the seating. Also if you have time lend a hand to get the divider curtain setup, it creates a nice area for us to work in!
Maintenance in May Saturday morning, date TBA
-painting and repairing of the gear cases, repairs to power and audio cables, re-geling\focusing lights
Bar B Que
-annual food fest will be at Keith's house this year, early in June
-upgrades to house lighting in the gym, late June
-stage lighting now has connection cables and power cables designated for only the floor lights, get Dan or Keith to show you how to set it up
For Sale, surplus and unused gear!
-8x4 digital multitrack recording system, win98 only
-100'- 16x4 channel audio snake
-Fender 16 channel mixing board
-Stereo 2 way crossover
-2 double sided cassette recording decks
-Linksys 4 port wireless router
-Linksys 4 port switcher
-12 - par56 300watt bulbs (used)
-We are setup and rolling with video on one camera now.
-An edit area has been setup in the offices upstairs, if you want to know more talk to Brandon who is coordinating this effort
New Web Site
-Sheldon and Silas continue to plug along on what will be a beautiful interface for the church to interact with the online world


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