Friday, December 14, 2007

Merry Christmas

Hi and Merry Christmas!
Gary has made some major changes to his teams for 2008, ( for new bands see bottom of schedule )
This also changes our schedule a bit. Please take the time to have a look.
Starting in 2008, each time you are up you should see the same bands, hopefully this will help us to get to know the bands better.
Also one of the goals for 2008 is to have everyone on sound able to run the main board, the recording system on single and multitrack.
If you havn't had much of chance to work in one area please take the time to shadow a person for a couple of Sundays, this will make it easier to get started.
If enough people are interested we can run some Sat. morning setups with the sound system for more practice. Please let me know what Sat. will work for you in '08.

it has been great serving with all of you,