Thursday, March 20, 2008

March madness

Hi and Happy Easter!

I realized that I am far behind on my updates, sorry about that life has been very busy.

Some things that are coming up.

New front stage
Saturday March 29 - 8 till noon, is a work time in the gym to change over the old front stage to a new setup. We will be building a new stage on the rolling storage carts. We need help that day to move equipment off the carts and back on again. We will also have to move and setup the old stage upstairs for use with coffee houses, etc.

Other projects coming up.

Dual screen Sundays and Powerpoint upgrades.
John would like to see us rearrange the Sunday morning setup. This would see the front stage moved out from the upper stage about 8 feet, the chairs would then be angled in from both sides to the point where people are almost facing each other. This would put the person on the lower stage more in the middle of the people. the goal being to creat a more intimate setting in a very large space. The angle of the chairs would require two screens to be setup everytime we do this. To this end NHC recieved a grant for technology and a donation that enabled us to purchase a second projector that is similar to the first one. In addition we have the old screen that can be used as a second screen (as long as we don't open it the whole way!) We have test run one Sunday with 2 screens and discovered a few problems. I would like to do another test setup, probally on a Saturday night right after bingo (around 10 pm), just to get the kinks out. In addition to running 2 projectors, there are some changes to the placement of sound speakers and additions to electrical wiring. At this time we should upgrade the powerpoint software also as the new interface makes it easier to see what slides are coming up (the lower screens are harder to see during songs). we may also have to alter our layout of tech gear so the media people have a better view of the stage.

Lighting rewiring and refocus
We would like to do this as soon as we can after the stages are completed and the dual screen setup is finalized. I will let you know of a couple of different dates for this, no experience needed with lights. We need to refocus the lights in order to cover the new stage location, a few color changes and some relamping.

Thankyou for giving your time and talents to the NHC tech team,