Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Free Tim's Coffee

One Saturday morning per month I will be going in to do maintenance on equipment (only time we have access outside of Sunday). If anyone has time to help or wants to learn more about how the gear works we can setup equipment and do training based on who shows up. An example would be learning how to use the audio multitrack system, practice recording and editing. Or learning more about how the lighting system is wired and trouble shooting problems. Video camera operation. Multimedia system wiring and troubleshooting. Sound system control (EQ, crossovers,compression).
Dates are
Sat. Oct 11 - 9 to 11 am (Long weekend, but it is a busy month!)
Sat. Nov. 8 - 9 to 11 am
Sat. Dec. 13 - 9 to 11 am

If you let me know you are coming I will have Tim's on hand!

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Tech Update for September

Hi, hope everyone had a great summer!

The fall schedule is up so please check it out and let me know if there are dates that don't work for you.

This coming Monday Sept. 8, I have booked some time to do some repair to one of our burnt out lights and modify some of the wiring so we don't need to use ladders any more.
If anyone has time to help in the gym at 12:30 to 1:30 or from about 6 to 8 pm, please let me know.

The dual screen project has been underway for a few weeks now, if you have any feedback about how it looks or works (good or bad), we really need to hear about it.

Thanks for giving of your time and talents to the tech team @NHC.
