Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Fall '09 Update

It's that time of year again! Please check out the proposed fall schedule to see if you are able to make the dates listed.
Let me know if you need to change your level of commitment, try a new area or just want to move on.
We are short a few people, especially for sound, so if you know anyone who would want to get involved please introduce them to me.
The time commitment is as follows;
One time every 4 weeks (minimum)
Sound 8 am to end of cleanup.
Multimedia 8:45 until multimedia is cleaned up.
Video 9:30, usually done by the end of the service.

Thanks to everyone who covered the summer shifts, and I hope you all had a great summer!

Congrats to Kenton and Karyn, on the birth of a new baby girl, Julia Winslow Buit! She was delivered at 2:02 a.m. on July 29th.(only 6 days overdue!) She weighed in at 9lbs 1.5oz. Everything went well and baby and mom are happy and healthy.

If you would like to learn more about the area you are serving please talk to me. We can setup some individual training times or work out some specialized training from an outside provider, it really is up to you!

Thanks for giving of your time and talents!