Wednesday, November 26, 2008

November Update

In and Out
Chris Groot is starting a new job in the U.S. in Jan. and will be moving on from the tech team. Chris started out in multimedia back in 2005, moving on to help with sound in 2007. We will miss you Chris!
Welcome to James Bootsma, James will be starting in Jan. on recording. He is currently an engineering student at U. of C.

The next Sat. morning training time is Dec. 13. Please let me know if there is something you want to work on, otherwise we will be doing equipment maintenance from 9 to 11. This time is also open as an orientation to new people interested in the tech team.


We have switched from the old individual pagers to a wall mounted display, we are responsible to make sure it is setup each Sunday and working. You may have to show the nursery caregivers how to use the system. If you don't know how please ask me. It is no longer necessary to plugin the cart in the storage room for charging.

Nursery Video
A TV now sits on the recording rack, it is there to help us setup the nursery video feed, for now the nursery video feed is coming from the pinhole camera. Connect the video cable from the back of the recording rack to the wall, check the aim of the camera with the small TV, then check it in the nursery area. Whoever is on recording should check this. We eventually hope to have a better camera at this location. The main camera is only connected to the system if we want live video feed to the screens (IMAG), this is still done through the VCR.
A second DVD player has been added to the system to help us during crunch times, the computer monitor must be put down on the bottom shelf as it will not clear the lid.

Mixer layout
For next month or two we will be trying a new mixer layout. All of the lower stage and multimedia sources will be located to the left of the center output section, all of the band will be located to the right. In addition to help with recording the submixes will be changed as follows. Submix 1 for multimedia,lower stage Submix 2 Drums\Bass Submix 3 Instruments Submix 4 Vocals.
In January we will see if this is a good arrangement and what other changes would be helpful.

We have applied again for the tech grant (last we bought the white projector with this money). If we receive the funds again we will be looking at a new lighting controller. Any feedback on this would be helpful.

Thanks for all of your hard work on tech at NHC,
God Bless


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