Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Spring Update '09

BarBQue Saturday June 20
Hey it is that time of year, the annual tech and worship BarBQue is Saturday June 20 starting at 4 pm (food at 5 pm). The best food by the best cooks (Keith and Gary) for the best volunteers at NHC.
This is a great time to connect with others as we give thanks for another year. We will be at Keith's house 2719 - 49 St SW, bring your favorite beverage and a chair and we do the rest. If you need transport or directions please call me at 403.247.3195, letting us know your coming would be good too! Families and good friends welcome!

Summer Schedule
Please check the online schedule for when you are up, we are running short handed this summer, so every time you are up is important. There are a number of special services this summer you need to know about! Anyone who is available on June 21, July 19,Aug 2, Aug 23 to help with setup (8am start) and cleanup, please let me know. You don't have to know how to operate anything but the extra help would be great.

Other tech news

Congrats to Jason ans Jessica who were married May 31.

Tim and Mark are headed off to new challenges, thanks for all the effort you have put into tech at NHC, you will be missed.

We welcome Scott and Zaak to the team, please get to know them and help them out with how we do things.

System Upgrades

Thanks to a grant for technology we were able to upgrade our lighting controller, the new unit is a Lightronics TL-5024. It has a greater range of programming, music follow, DMX operation plus other features. Read up on it at

In April we were asked by the kids ministry to expand the paging system to the upstairs area, at the same time we are going to expand the video coverage to the same area. As we needed to shuffle some of our monitors about we ended up revising the multimedia setup. ( more info can be found )

This summer one of the goals is to revise the recording system storage box, hopefully making it easier and quicker to setup. A secondary goal is to make it the primary mixer for smaller setups, those would be one person services, small bands. If you are interested in helping with this project please let me know.

Thanks again for serving at NHC,


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